Saturday, May 30, 2009

They should change it to T.G.I.S.!

So I thought I would be able to update from my sidekick, but I can't! VERY irritating!
We still don't have internet at the house so I will have to wait to update till I am over at my parents house (like I am now!)

It's been a VERY long few days! Yesterday was the worst. I was so excited all week that I was having a short day and getting off work at 1, so I'm counting down the minutes, and 1 finally comes, I go to leave and my manager was like...uh, you're not off until 3! I read the schedule wrong EVERY day last week! I was SO pissed. Needless to say it made the last 2 hours almost unbearable! We were SUPER busy. During the week we only usually do a $700 hour from 12 P.M. to 1 P.M. but we did a "Saturday" and had a $1000 hour! And then after a $700 1 P.M. - 2 P.M. hour! It was crazy. One lady alone ordered almost 60 dollars worth of food!
My feet were killing, but I still decided to brave it and left the kids with our sitter, and went to see the Royals game! I was so excited because we were super close to the field...but they ended up LOOSING! It was a horrible game and I was very bummed they did so bad.
We didn't get home until 11, and I had to be up at 4 A.M. today... I definately overslept! I thought my husband was hitting snooze for me, but he turned it OFF! And of course the day I am late my G.M. was opening! Luckily she wasn't too angry.

Well, Heather and I are speaking again. We both didn't want to leave things how they were, and have put the past behind us. I am so glad because I missed her, and was honestly lonely!

And of course, I sit down to do this and the kids get fussy, so I will be on my way now...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not sure...

I am not sure what kind of blog this will be. I'd like to have pictures, and just my feelings and day to day stuff.
My life can be rough and I need an outlet. I'd like this blog to be somewhere I can just rant, about good things, or bad things.

Things haven't been so hot the past six months. My husband lost his job, and we were forced to move into my Mother-in-laws house along with his sister, and brother. I also had to give up being a stay at home mom to come work at McDonalds. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. My children are 21 months and 11 months. They don't know anything other than being with me.
I started my job back in Febuary, and have since been promoted twice. I am just now starting my managment courses and will hopefully be running shifts by the end of July. I am VERY excited to be starting this. The money will be better, along with the opportunity for more promotions, and maybe a new job in the long run. Eventually I'd like to stay home again, but for now it's nice to know that someone else needs me besides my kids and husband. =)
My husband and I have been having problems, and most of them stem from the stress of money, and living with his family. He irritates the heck out of me, but God do I love him. He gets me, and he understands (most of the time) what I am going through.
I don't have many friends that I actually hang out with on a regular basis...I had a pretty good friend that lived in Washington, but after she said some things, and I said some things, we are no longer "friends". It makes me wonder if we ever were friends. I miss her, but I don't believe the things that she said were something you'd think, much less say, to someone who is a friend... I'm so hurt by this because she was the only I actually talked to regularly. We helped each other through our pregnancies (her son is 9 days older than mine), and got through the 2 am breast feeding by texting each other since we knew the other would be awake! I'm not sure if I should suck up my feelings of what she said and apologize...or just let it go. She lives so far from me, but gosh, she was a good friend when she was here. *sigh* I'm so stubborn, and I think she is too.
Well, I think that is all for today. I might think of other things and post them from my sidekick.

OH! And my son Jaden took his first steps today, SIX of them!